
Status Update

Every time I look at my blog (which, believe or not is multiple times a day so I can click through to your blogs), I sigh. I have been meaning to post, but when I think about it, I draw a blank, it seems like too big an undertaking after work, or lately- it would take me about 5 years to get you up to speed on the past few months. (I am also slightly miffed that no one seemed concerned when Bridget didn’t reappear right away- hello? Did you not read the last post? Did Mr. Darcy ever come back? (Yes) Did the room every get fully-painted? (Define “fully”) Was no one worried that I had obviously spent too much time with my own thoughts and had started hallucinating?)

So while catching up on everything seemed daunting, I realize that I have indeed been micro-blogging with my Facebook status updates. So I give you, the life and chronicles of Kate, part February-May:

February 25
Kate Calamusa: Is it weird to eat peanut butter straight from the jar? It is weird when you consider I'm doing it at the reception desk at work, uh right?

March 3
Kate Calamusa: apparently Washington state is trying to draw tourists here with this humdinger of a slogan: "Washington. The State." As in, "Not the city, darn it!" "Barack Obama does not live here!" "Our marketing team was hung over and couldn't think of anything else so we're going with it......"

March 9
Kate Calamusa: is not doing so good with "the words" today. Problematic when "being the words" is what you do for a living. Also problematic: calling it "the words"

March 11
Kate Calamusa: wants a bird named Fliza Minnelli

March 16
Kate Calamusa: They are are photographing a real, live snake in the office today. I WAS NOT WARNED ABOUT THIS.

March 17
Kate Calamusa: is embracing the out of shape person's workout: Sore abs! From coughing!

March 23
Kate Calamusa: is starting a competition with myself to see how long it takes me to hang the photo frames in the kitchen. I put them right smack in the middle of the floor when we moved in thinking after I tripped on them a few times, it would annoy me so much I would just do it. Streak so far: 2 months. Go me?

March 25
Kate Calamusa: had a dream last night that there was a velociraptor living in our master bedroom, and Casey and I didn't want to deal with the hassle of getting rid of it. So we just lived in the other half of our house. So even in my dreams, I'm still lazy.

March 26
Kate Calamusa: while watching 30 Rock last night: Kate: “I don't blame Liz Lemon. I'd push Jason Sudekis off the wagon too... to keep him available for me.” Casey: “Hey! You mean you aren't satisfied by this?” (Does an impressive shimmy.) Kate: “Yeh.... you have a piece of popcorn stuck to your shirt.” Casey: (looks down) “I know.”

April 1
Kate Calamusa: I feel a very Carrie Bradshaw moment coming: I just agreed to model in a fashion show. Please don't trip, please don't trip...

April 1
Kate Calamusa: is intrigued by this idea of Frenchwaffledcakes

April 13
Kate Calamusa: Oh my gravy- it's Glee day!!

April 29
Kate Calamusa: How you know are getting old: I just had to increase the view size of my Word doc to 300% because it was too small in the normal frame. Next step: start complaining about the damn teenagers driving too fast down the street (which they do, by the way).
May 12

Kate Calamusa: How bad is it on the "bad wife" scale to get the puppy you want and call it your hubby's birthday present even though that isn't what he asked for? Like a 5? 7?

7 hours ago
Kate Calamusa: When some people have crazy days at work, they drink wine. Me? I call Jimmy Johns and make them deliver a giant pickle to my desk.