
Long Weekend "Rap" Sheet

I'm not quite sure what we did over Labor Day weekend:

I do remember...
Making Casey watch an obscene amount of 30 Rock, one episode in particular driving me nuts because he had to ID a whole slew of rappers for me, and was slightly aghast I couldn't name a Woo Tang Clan song (is that even how you spell that? I'm going to get it later.)

Convincing Casey to build me a planter box, only to decide I didn't like said planter box and now I have 200 lbs. of soil with no planter box to put it in.

Returning to the 21st century: we signed up for cable (but not all the way, just the 12 basic channels.) But before that Casey spent the afternoon seeing if could cheat cable from an antenna. Turns out you can! But only if you want to watch one Spanish-language channel.

Surfing Craig's List for free rock.

Trying to figure out where to get straps of leather. (What? You figure that one out.)

Going to Home Depot every day.

Making Casey (do you notice a lot of sentences start this way? I love you, honey!) lug in a free trunk to find a home for it, then lugging it back out when I decided it needed to be restained.

By far my crowning achievement was the total and utter smackdown of the pink chair- my $15 Value Village find, which after some repadding, restapling, rejiggering is thankfully no longer pink.




Return of the gnome

When I was growing up my parents indulged in a little game called “Pass the Poodle.” During a white elephant exchange my dad got stuck with perhaps the ugliest gift ever, an “art” piece (term used rather loosely here) of a macramé and macaroni- glued poodle on a piece of cardboard. My dad promptly left it in the giver’s bedroom (Scott Luell for you Eugenians). So began the great poodle war of the 1990s, 2000s, and probably, 2010s. Over the years, the poodle has gained a Mariners hat, been put on a roof, strung up a flag pole, and been given a Christmas light border as it has gotten punk’d back and forth between various Palmen and Luell members.

All this to say: I shouldn’t have underestimated him.

A couple of months ago, my dad left us a “present,” a very sad looking lawn gnome that he snuck into our front bushes- where it stayed for two days before he was found. Naturally when we went to Eugene last month, it only seemed fitting to leave the gnome where he truly belonged, back in my dad’s front bushes.

Alas, when Casey got to work on Monday morning, a giant box was on his desk. The return address read “Gnome Rescue,” and nestled inside was the above, our lovely gnome friend with a new t-shirt. The enclosed note reads:

Dada Casey,

I am so glad that you have found me! I fell asleep in the back of the Jeep and awoke to find myself in a thick patch of ivy. I quickly realized that I had been kidnapped by a not-so-merry band of hippies. I was taken to a commune and put on guard duty in an organic garden. Boy, poop “the organic in organic gardening” sure smells awful in 90-degree heat. I was forced to eat tofu! They rubbed me down with patchouli oil every night. They subjected me to second-hand smoke of the non-tobacco variety. They kept me up all night with ritual drumming. They tried to put my hair in dreadlocks but luckily, my porcelain was too thick. Of course, no one wears clothing in a commune so I had to steal this t-shirt from a puppy baby from Eugene. I hid in their All-Terrain Pram Stroller until they stopped at the Saturday Market. I then was able to make my way to the post office, find this box and make my way back to you, my precious gnome Daddy! My homey-gnomey! I am so glad that we are together again! Soon I will heal from my long hemp-infused nightmare. I promise I will remain vigilant at all times. Keep me safe

*Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled bath tissue.

Oh, it’s on now.


On why you should be glad you don't have to live with me

Me: "Gah. Martha Stewart's calendar in her magazine pisses me off so much. July 21: I'm harvesting radicchio from my garden and then using to make my own pesto for a picnic on my yacht, while cruising my private lake. Martha, get a grip!"

Casey: "You complain about this every month. Maybe you should stop reading Martha's calendar if it makes you so mad."

Me: "But..."

Casey: "But then you'd have nothing to complain about, right?"

Kate: "That, and harvesting my own radicchio actually would be awesome."

Casey: "I'm going to the other room."


Status Update

Every time I look at my blog (which, believe or not is multiple times a day so I can click through to your blogs), I sigh. I have been meaning to post, but when I think about it, I draw a blank, it seems like too big an undertaking after work, or lately- it would take me about 5 years to get you up to speed on the past few months. (I am also slightly miffed that no one seemed concerned when Bridget didn’t reappear right away- hello? Did you not read the last post? Did Mr. Darcy ever come back? (Yes) Did the room every get fully-painted? (Define “fully”) Was no one worried that I had obviously spent too much time with my own thoughts and had started hallucinating?)

So while catching up on everything seemed daunting, I realize that I have indeed been micro-blogging with my Facebook status updates. So I give you, the life and chronicles of Kate, part February-May:

February 25
Kate Calamusa: Is it weird to eat peanut butter straight from the jar? It is weird when you consider I'm doing it at the reception desk at work, uh right?

March 3
Kate Calamusa: apparently Washington state is trying to draw tourists here with this humdinger of a slogan: "Washington. The State." As in, "Not the city, darn it!" "Barack Obama does not live here!" "Our marketing team was hung over and couldn't think of anything else so we're going with it......"

March 9
Kate Calamusa: is not doing so good with "the words" today. Problematic when "being the words" is what you do for a living. Also problematic: calling it "the words"

March 11
Kate Calamusa: wants a bird named Fliza Minnelli

March 16
Kate Calamusa: They are are photographing a real, live snake in the office today. I WAS NOT WARNED ABOUT THIS.

March 17
Kate Calamusa: is embracing the out of shape person's workout: Sore abs! From coughing!

March 23
Kate Calamusa: is starting a competition with myself to see how long it takes me to hang the photo frames in the kitchen. I put them right smack in the middle of the floor when we moved in thinking after I tripped on them a few times, it would annoy me so much I would just do it. Streak so far: 2 months. Go me?

March 25
Kate Calamusa: had a dream last night that there was a velociraptor living in our master bedroom, and Casey and I didn't want to deal with the hassle of getting rid of it. So we just lived in the other half of our house. So even in my dreams, I'm still lazy.

March 26
Kate Calamusa: while watching 30 Rock last night: Kate: “I don't blame Liz Lemon. I'd push Jason Sudekis off the wagon too... to keep him available for me.” Casey: “Hey! You mean you aren't satisfied by this?” (Does an impressive shimmy.) Kate: “Yeh.... you have a piece of popcorn stuck to your shirt.” Casey: (looks down) “I know.”

April 1
Kate Calamusa: I feel a very Carrie Bradshaw moment coming: I just agreed to model in a fashion show. Please don't trip, please don't trip...

April 1
Kate Calamusa: is intrigued by this idea of Frenchwaffledcakes

April 13
Kate Calamusa: Oh my gravy- it's Glee day!!

April 29
Kate Calamusa: How you know are getting old: I just had to increase the view size of my Word doc to 300% because it was too small in the normal frame. Next step: start complaining about the damn teenagers driving too fast down the street (which they do, by the way).
May 12

Kate Calamusa: How bad is it on the "bad wife" scale to get the puppy you want and call it your hubby's birthday present even though that isn't what he asked for? Like a 5? 7?

7 hours ago
Kate Calamusa: When some people have crazy days at work, they drink wine. Me? I call Jimmy Johns and make them deliver a giant pickle to my desk.


My Bridget Jones Life


Once there was a girl named Bridget Jones*, who sometimes is a bit of a klutz, a Calamity Jane or more often than not, tends to have stress-induced freak-outs.

It started simply enough, with a harmless puddle. A puddle that was soon enough in her shoes after a wayward bus splashed her on the walk to the office. We don’t need to talk about what happened in said office except that she arrived with soggy socks and exited with a mountain of frustration and slightly soggy socks. The only thing putting a spring in poor Bridget’s step was getting to talk to her charming, darling Mark Darcy* after work, out of the country on some important, pressing work* we are sure, because he is important, and charming and cute and….oh wait, where were we?

Right, Bridget bumbled her way home, fighting traffic, sweeping into the house to log onto Skype (after all, Bridget works in media, and Skype is free). Two minutes into a long-awaited conversation in which Mr. Darcy was of course, darling and charming, the connection goes dead. Bridget waits for Mark to reset the connection and call back. Nothing. Well he is a foreign land, give him a moment, she reasoned. She starts to kill time on Facebook and then realizes it is her Internet that is the problem, not the charming, darling man’s. She runs into the other room, pushing aside the paint cans and paint rollers (sometimes Bridget is well intentioned, but rarely finishes her hair-brained schemes, in this instance, the room she half painted resulting in a half blue, half gray guestroom) to reveal a modem blinking helplessly as it drowned into an Internetless abyss. Bridget, trying to maintain composure in light of this disappointing start, employs her IT where how and unplugs, replugs, unplugs, replugs, prods, says please nicely, clicks computer mouse, double clicks mouse, left clicks mouse, unplugs again, watches blinking red light, watches blinking red light, starts to plead, prods HARDER, gently slaps, slaps HARD, starts calling the modem names including “bugger” and “wanker”, hits, hits again, picks up, thinks about throwing against wall, HITS HARDER, starts to call names at MUCH LOUDER DECIBEL LEVEL, WHY WON’T YOU WORK WHEN I NEED YOU? YOU PIECE OF……

Mountain of frustration, soggy socks, puddles, no charming man at home- all come crumbling down and our Bridget, our stressed out Bridget collapses sobbing on top the friggin’ traitor of a modem, fat mascara-laden tears hitting the paint tarp, which luckily is still wet enough to get paint on her pants. Thirty minutes of ugly cry (you know the ugly cry, not the dainty, a tear or two, sniffle, but snot, mascara, headache resulting cry) later, Bridget realizes there is only one thing she can do, the only thing a woman can do to pick herself back up, what every strong, competent woman does when her composure has cracked. Crawling out of the guest room to the kitchen, Bridget reaches into the freezer, grabs the Thin Mint ice cream tub and the closest utensil available- in this case a butter knife, and uses it to shovel the ice cream into her mouth for the next hour while watching Ryan Reynolds in “The Proposal” and then finishing off the carton by licking the inside of it. That’s right, what every strong, competent woman would do, use a butter knife to polish off the tub. I am woman, hear me eat.

* Kate Calamusa changed her name to protect her privacy in this tale… oh, drat.
* Also known as the charming, darling Mr. Calamusa
* Or in Haiti all of February working


A beautiful day in the neighborhood

Hi lovelies!

I’ve neglected to post about the new house because I wanted to post before/after pics (no more purple kitchen! Guest room-almost- repainted!), but somewhere hidden in the abyss of boxes in the garage is one very important thing: the camera cable. Once I unearth it I will post pics but in the meantime, a running list of the things I love about the new place will have to suffice:

1. There is a giant, well stocked, quiet Target three miles away. I repeat, a giant Target with hundreds of parking spaces a mere five-minute drive away. Bonus: same strip mall contains a Payless Shoe Source, Jo-Ann Fabrics and a TJ Maxx. Downside: cannot be good for my budget.

2. Two bathtubs to soak in after a long day at work.

3. A plant nursery at the end of the street.

4. The plethora of authentica taquerias.

5. The morning sunlight through the picture window in the living room.

6. Closet organizers specifically for my shoes.

7. For the first time in my entire married life every scrap of clothing is clean thanks to a washer and dryer that doesn’t require quarters. (SIDE NOTE: Casey has a lot of clothes. Must bring this up next time he mentions my clothing obsession.)

8. Dishwasher. ‘Nuff said.

9. A garage so the Bug doesn’t freeze at night.

10. Winco. Winco. Winco. Oh, and an awesome, cheap bakery: Wild Wheat.

Now if only my favorite guy was here to share all my favorite things- 16 days to go.

Pics to come!


Moving Hazards

So… (awkward pause)… It’s been a while. I do apologize for the absence, but closing, packing, plumbing, almost moving (I’ll get to that in a second) and the Haiti crisis have completely depleted all creative thought. Status: we were going to move last weekend, but then the earthquake hit Haiti and Casey’s three days off got postponed (along with our move). First of all, thank you to all who have checked up on us, taken me to movies and perused Ikea with me while Casey has been working, it is so very appreciated and has kept me well entertained.

Also entertaining (or frustrating, depending on my mood): when you move, you inevitably pack up all your belongings, yes? And Kate Palmen (not using my married name here, this is an inherited Palmen trait, for sure) feels the need to “plan ahead” and so 3 days before the move, she has practically everything in a box, and a very good chunk of it already at the new house, because: “Don’t you see?” she says to her ever-patient husband, who is getting really tired of having things ripped from his hands while he is using them so it can be packed. “We can’t possibly have things just lying around the day we move. It must be all organized and labeled by what room it goes in the house. Where’s my tape gun and blue Sharpie?”

And then you don’t actually move, won’t for another two weeks, you are forced to eat your cereal out of a traveler coffee mug because someone packed all the bowls and took them to house. Plus the cups, the cookie sheets, the last roll of TP, and oh the horror, all the movies. And even if it is by some miracle still in the apartment, it’s been tightly sealed with packing tape away in a box, and good luck finding the camera cable to upload the photos of the house to show the bloggy people, it is lost in the abyss that is Kate’s organizational (de)feat.