

... as Mr and Mrs Calamusa! My head is still spinning from the last couple of weeks, from the wedding to the blissful week in the Cook Islands to back at the apartment as husband and wife! I'll go into more details about the wedding in coming posts, but in short, it was an all together amazing day, incredibly stress free (seriously people I surprised even myself with how calm I was pre-wedding) and the best moment of my entire life was hearing the pastor say, " I now pronounce you husband and wife" and looking into the tear-filled eyes (he got a little weepy folks, it was so adorable!) of my brand-new husband! I'll post links to pics ASAP and then fill you on on all the new customs we learned about in Raro! I am so excited to get caught up with y'all!!


That must be one GIANT loogie....

Moving into a new place is always interesting. There are new smells to get used to, new creaks and groans in the floor and of course, new noises. The first time you hear these things, it sends you into a bit of a panic until you figure out what it is- especially if you are there by yourself- I've had a few moments since moving in, including one last night trying to figure out the gurgling noise coming from the bathroom and why water was coming UP the bathtub drain instead down like a normal tub.

But one new noise either has me giggling or gagging every morning but more importantly it happens EVERY morning, which sort of fascinates me. Apparently our bathroom/shower window faces the adjacent apartment building's bathroom windows as well. Mind you that they are across the parking lot from each other like 40 feet away, but by some odd twist of sound mechanics, I can hear everything that is going on in the other building's bathrooms. Showers going on and off, sink faucets turning, talking.

Well, one of my new neighbors has a bit of a morning routine. Before getting into the shower, he apparently has to stand in front of his sink and hock the biggest loogie known to mankind. Multiple times. Every gosh-darned morning. At first, I just thought maybe he had a cold or something, but without fail at 7 a.m. as I am stepping out of the shower, wait for it, here's comes the looooooogie! On mornings when I'm somehwhat coherent, this gives me the giggles, but when I'm a little tired and groggy, nothing says "Good morning! You're about to call in sick!" like listening to all that hocking. And the funniest part is the guy is like 40 feet away from me but I can literally hear him spitting phelgm (gosh guys, I probably should have warned you not to be eating while reading this, sorry!) like he is a yard away. He is either the loudest human being ever or I have moved into some sort of bizarre sonic portal, which makes me worry about making ANY noises in my own bathroom.

Aww, Morning- Loogie- Man, part of my new morning routine...