
A Bed For One

It's funny how quickly you can get used to certain things. For 23 years of my life, I slept alone except on those rare family vacations where Kelsey and I would keep each other up all night kicking one another in the hotel bed we had to share. I like having my own space to sleep, to stretch out as much as I like and have the covers just as I liked. I slept well, I dare say great even.

After just 8 weeks of marriage, I've found out I can't sleep without Casey in the bed with me. He's been gone for 2 nights on business and I have slept like crap. Last night, I read until my eyes were about ready to fall out of my head, but as soon as I turned out the light, I tossed and turned for what felt like an eternity, all alone in my big bed.

The ironic part is that we don't even touch when we're sleeping normally. He has his side and I have mine but I know he's there. And of course, even though he's gone I can't enjoy the luxury of sleeping in the middle of the bed, I have to sleep on my side so when I look over there is a big gapping hole in his spot where he should be, cuddled up with the covers thrown over his head when he's trying to pretend his still asleep in the morning, and usually a leg hanging off the side.

I would understand it if we had been married and sharing a bed for decades but its been 8 weeks- its pretty amazing how quickly the little habits of marriage seem right and natural and anything resembling your single life is completely foreign, and for me at least, non too pleasant anymore. Come back hubby so I can get some sleep!!


The word of the day: CHEF

I am such a culinary goober. While other people might get excited and drool over themselves when they run into movie stars and sports legends, I get completely tongue-tied and dorky when I see celebrity chefs. Maybe its because, lord knows, I love food, or maybe because I'm envious of their talent, or maybe because there has always been a part of me that wanted to go to culinary school. The day I met Tom Douglas still ranks among my best days ever (don't worry not above my wedding day or anything but definitely better than my rain soaked college graduation) and if I ever saw a Top Chef contestant I would demand an autograph.

So, as you can imagine I just about peed my pants last night when I met two of Seattle's best chefs: Scott Staples and Matt Dillon. I was playing bouncer to one of our uber-swanky work parties and as soon as I saw their names on the door list, I started to cross my fingers, just hoping they would actually show up. And oh my gosh, I may have mentioned this before, but I was such a goober when they did. When Matt Dillon walked in, I didn't even wait for him to say his name before I thrust out my hand and said, "Hi! I'm Kate and I love your food." No joke. Word for word, like I was teenage girl you just saw the cast of High School Musical. I had to repress a girlish giggle even. I'm not sure whether he was flattered or thought I was like a stalker but he laughed so oh well. Scott Staples and I had a less embarrassing moment but at the end of the party I marched up to him and told him point blankly that we loved Quinn's and had a great time and managed not to be quite so well, gooberish in doing so. I think. Possibly. Actually probably not. Oh well.

But seriously, people you would thought have I'd died and gone to heaven- I was that excited. My co-worker looked at me with this look like, "Seriously? That wasn't Justin Timberlake you just met or anything" And then, to make it all this even better, I am still on Cloud 9 today because tonight, TOP CHEF premieres. OH yeh, baby.


It's official...and in other news....

... I am now a Calamusa! Well, at least as far as Washington state is concerned. Saturday morning we drug ourselves out of bed to get to the Greenwood DMV before it opened and managed to get out of there with a name change and a brand-new Washington state license for Casey in less than 30 minutes. (Non-Seattle folks, this is an amazing feat, I have never, never gotten in and out of a DMV so fast nor actually had a friendly person help me who actually managed to stay cheery when I asked dumb questions like, "So do I sign with my new or old name?") Now I just have to find the Social Security office that is supposedly downtown somewhere so I can change the name there. I can't imagine I would get lucky enough to get through THERE in under an hour with cheery help so I suppose there will be an entire post soon on that fun adventure....

..... I worked in the children's department at church yesterday which I do every couple of weeks and we had an odd collection of just little girls and no little boys. We were asking them what they wanted to be when they grow up and all three piped up, "A MOM!" I had kind of forgotten that at 3 years old outside of being a princess or a ballerina that is pretty much what all little girls- including myself- want to do and I started to wonder at what point in our lives do we start to get it hammered in to us that we have to do MORE than that, that we can't be just moms, we have to have a career as well.

They asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up (which I love the idea that I am actually not grown-up yet but as we discuss car insurance and perhaps buying a house, it seems less and less likely we are still kids.) I told them I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. I got a whole bunch of blank stares. One little girl named Ella crinkled up her nose and said, "But is that any fun?" in a tone that clearly stated she didn't think it would be. I told them that it was a lot of fun and that I got to write stories about people and sometimes I even made up stories for the book I was writing (oh gosh, confession time, see below). This seemed to appease them a little bit and after that Ella decided she too would like to be a writer but only if she could still be just like her mom as well. Sounds good to me kid.

..... And following up on the aforementioned book, yes I am writing a book or least trying to. I hate to even post it up here because I am really embarrassed that I have the audacity to think I am even capable of writing one, but I have to try. It is something I have always wanted to, in fact, the life dream would be to stay at home, drink coffee and write and ACTUALLY HAVE SOMEONE WANT TO BUY THE MANUSCRIPT. I have been working on an idea for several years actually and unfortunately haven't written a thing in months, but as part of my "official" post, I am official vowing to start working on it again. Really. Someone ask me every once and a while how its going just to keep me accountable. This means you Mom. This is your "Mom Job"- nag your daughter and make sure she actually gets something down on paper instead of randomly blogging about trips to the DMV.



I find it ironic that I by no means update my blog everyday, heck I'm lucky if I get one post up a week, but that I get miffed if my favorite blogs don't update like several times of day for my reading enjoyment. Huh. I'm going to hang my head in shame now while I think up at least a few good posts.


Kate's discovery of the day....

I know this will make me sound like an old-timer, but is Christmas coming earlier this year? I swear I usually have to wait at least a few more weeks for this one. Usually I would argue about Christmas starting way too early (its November 4th for crying out loud, but happy election day and thanks for the advice on voting gals, I appreciate your wise thoughts and as Holly suggested maybe I'll just run myself next time ;) but I love this one so much I don't even care:

Peppermint mocha time has arrived at Starbucks! Wooppee! Sneaking out of work right now to snag one....


Voting Conundrum

I usually keep this blog to more light-hearted subject matter, but like most Americans I would imagine, its hard sometimes to be optimistic in the times we are facing with our economic crisis and the upcoming election tomorrow. I like to keep myself pretty well informed and ever since I turned 18 I have voted in every election and primary I could. But this year, I find myself dragging my feet because well frankly, I have been extremely disillusioned with the entire election process. Don't even get me started on the fact that I have had to watch more Darcy Burner v. Dave Reicher mud-slinging than I thought was humanly possible and I can't even vote on them because we're not in their district or that if I have to watch one more Gregoire or Rossi informercial I am going to pull my hair out, but here's my big question:

Do I vote for someone if I don't think they are the right man for the job just for the sake of voting?

Let me put it this way, both Obama and McCain pretty much terrify me when I think of them leading our nation, both for very different reasons. I won't go into my entire inner debate, but while I like aspects of both of their plans, I don't think either of them will really be able to do all they promise. It feels very apathetic and unpatriotic to me to not vote, but at the same time I really don't feel comfortable checking either box. The ballot is sitting on my desk and I would need to mail it in today, but I'm not sure I will.

I'm more than willing to have someone to convince me otherwise but to be honest people, its awfully discouraging to even myself that I just don't even care anymore and want the whole thing to be over with, with my vote or not. I just know that putting that thing in the mail won't make me feel any better, in fact it may make me feel like even more of a sell-out to vote for someone I don't even believe in.