
It's official...and in other news....

... I am now a Calamusa! Well, at least as far as Washington state is concerned. Saturday morning we drug ourselves out of bed to get to the Greenwood DMV before it opened and managed to get out of there with a name change and a brand-new Washington state license for Casey in less than 30 minutes. (Non-Seattle folks, this is an amazing feat, I have never, never gotten in and out of a DMV so fast nor actually had a friendly person help me who actually managed to stay cheery when I asked dumb questions like, "So do I sign with my new or old name?") Now I just have to find the Social Security office that is supposedly downtown somewhere so I can change the name there. I can't imagine I would get lucky enough to get through THERE in under an hour with cheery help so I suppose there will be an entire post soon on that fun adventure....

..... I worked in the children's department at church yesterday which I do every couple of weeks and we had an odd collection of just little girls and no little boys. We were asking them what they wanted to be when they grow up and all three piped up, "A MOM!" I had kind of forgotten that at 3 years old outside of being a princess or a ballerina that is pretty much what all little girls- including myself- want to do and I started to wonder at what point in our lives do we start to get it hammered in to us that we have to do MORE than that, that we can't be just moms, we have to have a career as well.

They asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up (which I love the idea that I am actually not grown-up yet but as we discuss car insurance and perhaps buying a house, it seems less and less likely we are still kids.) I told them I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. I got a whole bunch of blank stares. One little girl named Ella crinkled up her nose and said, "But is that any fun?" in a tone that clearly stated she didn't think it would be. I told them that it was a lot of fun and that I got to write stories about people and sometimes I even made up stories for the book I was writing (oh gosh, confession time, see below). This seemed to appease them a little bit and after that Ella decided she too would like to be a writer but only if she could still be just like her mom as well. Sounds good to me kid.

..... And following up on the aforementioned book, yes I am writing a book or least trying to. I hate to even post it up here because I am really embarrassed that I have the audacity to think I am even capable of writing one, but I have to try. It is something I have always wanted to, in fact, the life dream would be to stay at home, drink coffee and write and ACTUALLY HAVE SOMEONE WANT TO BUY THE MANUSCRIPT. I have been working on an idea for several years actually and unfortunately haven't written a thing in months, but as part of my "official" post, I am official vowing to start working on it again. Really. Someone ask me every once and a while how its going just to keep me accountable. This means you Mom. This is your "Mom Job"- nag your daughter and make sure she actually gets something down on paper instead of randomly blogging about trips to the DMV.

1 comment:

Heather Elizabeth said...

I love it Kate! I am dragging us to the DMV this weekend too...