
To the faithful...

Dear faithful few readers,

I have not died, though you might not know it given the sad, neglected state of the blog. Though I have plenty of material to write about, I'm afraid the great "Seattle Magazine Moves to SODO 2009" project (short explanation: my office is moving and somehow, since God has a sense of humor, I have been put in charge of the whole thing and having to learn to be patient and cling to God for support. It's good for me, but boy, is it painful at times) has taken over most of my waking hours and the precious few left are reserved for the hubby and trying to escape for the holidays to see family. So, I am taking a short, self-imposed break but will be back in the New Year with lots of updates and being my usual, smart-assy (is that a word? I like it, so whatever)self. Many happy wishes and have a lovely holiday season with your loved ones, catch you in 2009.

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