
25 Things...

Fine, I give in. I have been tagged to about 25 of the “25 Random Things” thread on Facebook but haven’t done one yet, well mostly because I wouldn’t even know how to post a note on Facebook, whom to tag and it would just end stressing me out. I’m what you call an “Old School” Facebook gal- I never add any of these new-fangled applications because every time I try to I end up confused and wondering how I joined the Biology Rocks! group. Long story short: it’s too complicated for an old lady like me and I would much rather put up on my blog- duh (that’s how you know I’m old school, I just said duh). Okay, here goes:

1. I have a square-inch wide patch of skin on both of my hips that I can’t feel. When I was younger I did gymnastics and apparently all that time leaning on the uneven bars permanently deadened the nerves in the area. It’s like having a teeny, tiny epidural right there, you can ram a pencil into for all I care, I won’t feel it.

2. When I was a little kid, I apparently wanted to grow up to be, and I quote, “ A Chinese lady who makes noodles.” And apparently when my mother tried to break it to me that while I could certainly make noodles, it was physically impossible for me to become Chinese I threw a world-class fit.

3. I wish life was one big giant musical. Seriously.

4. I also really wish I could sing (in my big giant life musical).

5. I have secret ambitions to write a book.

6. The only reason I joined the newspaper in college was because I thought the editor was cute. Good thing I end up marrying him.

7. I just decided in the last year that I like chocolate. Before my 22nd birthday, couldn’t stand the stuff but then apparently estrogen kicked in, I became a woman and I can’t get enough chocolate.

8. I don’t like cats. I usually make the excuse that its because I’m allergic but its really because when they stare at you they have this look in their eyes like they are plotting your death. It creeps me out.

9. When I have to go somewhere, I always go over all the different route options in my mind and decide what the most efficient way would be (gas, then bank, that way I don’t have to go back over the bridge). I also do this when I go to the hospital or the mall; I walk through the route in my mind ahead of time. I call this being “strategic”. Casey calls it being “anal”.

10. I loved Carl Winslow from the show “Family Matters” when I was a little kid. I thought he was awesome and so funny when he freaked out. I loved him so much that for Christmas I asked for an African-American baby doll-aptly named Carl of course. (Even funnier was that my sister Kelsey had one named after Edgar Martinez the baseball player. We were special kids.)

11. Lime Tostito chips, Taco Bell, Big Sexy Hair Spray, Sex and the City, Jalisco Restaurant, The Bachelor, 80’s attire and The Notebook always, always remind me of 5th Hill.

12. Speaking of hair spray, I llllllooovvve big hair. There is a Southern debutante within me that screams “More hairspray! Tease it more” every morning. It’s a constant battle to control this woman.

13. I grew up on Seattle Mariners baseball. My dad has season tickets for years and weekends were spent driving back and forth between Eugene and Seattle for games. I once had lunch with Alex Rodriguez (before the whole Madonna thing, eww), was there for Game 5 of the ’95 AL West Series and every picture I can find of myself between the 4th and 5th grade I am wearing the same thing: my Tasmanian Devil converse tennis shoes, jeans and my gray Mariners sweatshirt.

14. You’d never believe it NOW, but at one point in my life I was actually pretty athletic. One glorious year, I beat Sol Rexius in a footrace (if you are from Eugene you know this is BIG deal) and did more pull-ups than all the boys in my class for the Presidential Fitness Challenge. That was when I peaked. I was eight.

15. I want to apply to be on The Amazing Race TV show. I tell this people and they always laugh, and then I’m stuck sitting there twiddling my fingers because I’M SERIOUS. I’m trying to talk the hubby into let me quit my day job so I can concentrate on applying.

16. Oh, I’ve watched every season and I would kick some serious butt. Just so you know.

17. I’m left-handed, left-footed (soccer), bat left-handed, throw left-handed, but play tennis right-handed. Don’t ask, I’m not sure why either.

18. Two things can cure a bad day: Target and a bean and cheese burrito. Every time.

19. I have a polite phone voice that is much higher-pitched than my normal speaking voice. But it is reserved just for people I work with, who call into work, people at the insurance office and when I order takeout.

20. I also have a fake laugh to go along with these conversations. Nothing like my real laugh, much louder and more obnoxious with an occasional guffaw thrown in.

21. I seriously overestimate how much food we can eat and inevitably we have to eat off the same leftovers for a week and a half because I made a bathtub full of soup for two people.

22. How many more of these things do I have to come up with? Three? Oy vey….. I say oy vey a lot. #22 done.

23. I still drive my red bug, the one and only car I have driven since getting my driver’s license. He and I have a history and I will drive it until it literally falls apart. I love that car.

24. I sing in the car. Very loud and off-key. And if I catch people looking at me, it just makes me want to sing louder.

25. I eat popcorn for meals. I also count coffee as a food group and because I am so nutrition-savvy, I get 2-3 servings a day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you and your blog makes me miss you.
Love Mom - Sorry Casey the gene for cooking too much food comes from both sides of the gene pool in our family so there is no hope-learn to eat a lot or make friends who like to eat a lot.