
A "Hair-y" Issue

I don’t know about you, but hair salons make me extremely self-conscious. Maybe it’s all the mirrors, maybe its because I can see my hair at every angle and I never realized there was a piece of popcorn stuck in it or maybe its because I always feel the need to explain myself. Because let’s face it, by the time I actually manage to find the time to schedule an appointment, my hair is usually completely out of control and when greeted by the perfectly coifed receptionist, comparatively I look like The Shaggy Dog. And as I sit in the chair, I always feel the need to come up with an excuse of why my hair looks so bad, usually plopping into the seat with a “Man, it’s windy out there!” or “ I was in a rush this morning, I didn’t have time to dry it” while tossling my hair so the stylist can’t really tell how bad it is. I realize that the perfect solution to this dilemma would be to actually do my hair, but when you have an appointment at 11 am on Saturday, who’s really going to take all the time to fix their hair when someone will fix it for you in a couple of hours? Not me.

All this to say, that I was invited to attend the grand opening of a new salon last night and I was having a bad hair day, as in I was seriously P.O.ed at my head. (Side note: of course today I am having great hair. I did everything the same and it looks a million times better than yesterday.) I ended up working late on some writing pieces (another side note: when I write, I tend to play with my hair while thinking, turning the bangs into a major greaseball by 5 p.m.) and then ran to the party, which was of course full of the most perfectly-coifed, well-manicured, amazingly-colored women ever- of course all standing at about 6 feet as well. And I thought: I have entered the world of the Glamazons and I have very bad hair today.

If it hadn’t been for the appetizers and swag bag, I would have bolted right out of there but I don’t need my self-esteem for an hour if there are crab cakes involved.


Anonymous said...

haha love it. and SOOO true! I always come in with an excuse about the hair when i see me hair lady. Party sounds like it was quite galmorous- when i move back to seattle I call being your date to all the ones casey doesnt wanna go to!

Heather Elizabeth said...

Kate, what salon was that? I walked by a salon downtown that looked like it was having an opening party... maybe it was that one! I think it was on 5th Avenue?

Kate said...

Heather- it totally was on 5th! Did you see a really short, jean-clad girl inside constantly tugging at her hair? That was me ;)

Heather Elizabeth said...

Ahh I bet I totally saw you! Mark and I thought about crashing the party, but everyone in there was just so well dressed that we couldn't follow through. We ended up going to see The Lion King at the paramount instead... ha.