
One week. A whole lotta change.

I was cruising through the blogroll this morning (glad you made it to Aussie safe and sound E! Happy 6 months Mallory and Jared!) and I happened to glance to the right to look at my most recent entry- and just stopped and shook my head. Despite being written a mere week and a half ago, the sentiments and ideas already seem extremely outdated in the wake of the last week.

A week ago today, I was ready to leave this job behind. And then three people got laid off. Then seven at the corporate office, including my position. And then two more. And then the job I was so ready to ditch became vitally important and all I wanted to do was to keep this job. Desperately. Maybe because the old adage is indeed true, you don't know what you've got until it's gone (or dangled in front of you). Or just maybe finding another job is this economy scares the bejeezes out of me (that's really much more likely.) But right now, I just want to sit my butt in this chair, claim it as my own and keep getting paid while I scheme up my next job idea (Can I write cookbooks without becoming a famous chef first? I don't want to start my restaurant or have cooking show, I just want to book deal. Anyone interested?) I may indeed want to leave this job but I want to leave on my own terms, not someone else's. (I realize that really isn't what you SHOULD say, but I'm all about being honest here. That's just how I feel.)

Needless to say it was an incredibly emotional week- ironically, the people laid off were my favorites, just great, honest, hard-working people who I am praying for now because I know it's been really rough on them.

Here's to hoping this Monday is considerably better than the last.

1 comment:

Meguire Heston said...

Kate - I have to say... I used to have a rule that I CANNOT go back and read previously blog posts... because the urge to delete half of them is amost more than I can resist. But you know what... you're just keepin' it real. And I love it. And one day you hate your job and next you don't. I don't know anyone who doesn't deal with that.

Hopefully you're not peeing in the freezing cold today... Hope all is well!
