

Every once and a while I get what I like to call, "a bee in my bonnet," usually encompassing some sort of crazy-hairbrained idea that turns into a major craft project. During the last year it was designing and making the programs for the wedding, which if you read my bride blog, you know was a major undertaking including cut fingers, tears, glue stuck in my hair that I had to cut out and a weekend-long design-a-thon in which I watched every Jane Austen movie ever made (ah, the single life.)

Last weekend, I caught another bug and poor Casey got drug to every fabric store in Seattle on my quest to build a headboard for our bed. I didn't really want to spend the money to buy a whole bed frame, so thank you Better Homes & Gardens, here is my baby.

Of course, there was a staple-in-the-finger incident, and two fingers super-glued together but all in all, perhaps one of my most successful projects ever.


Mallory said...

Kate, that looks amazing! How did you make it? I have been trying to figure out how to make one for a couple months now but keep running into problems...

K said...

You totally inspired me! I started looking on the HGTV website and found a headboard I love, now I just have to talk Jon in to making it for me!


Anonymous said...

aw so cute! good project!