
When all else fails, you can always talk about the weather...

Okay, I don't want sound like a Grumpy Gus, but dudes its March 9th and its snowing AGAIN! I don't know when I've ever wanted spring so badly, in fact I want it so much that I wore a short-sleeve shirt today (the whole wishful thinking and all) with my skirt and tights and now I am freezing my ass off watching it snow out the window. Big gargantuan sigh.

In other, less icy news, I don't believe I have shared a little tidbit with y'all and it may explain why I've gone missing the last few weeks: I got a promotion at work and am now the Assistant Editor for this little magazine I've grown to so dearly love. It's taken me two weeks to come down from cloud 9 (at least there wasn't any snow up there, sheesh) Anyways, I'm busier than I have ever been at work, but couldn't be happier about it. Like all good things, it happened in the oddest way, and I can only say God had a hand in it. (If you want to the full scoop, I'll tell you over coffee, it's a long one.)

Happy Monday and here's to wishful thoughts about skirts, sun and editing paradise,


Mallory said...

Congrats on the promotion! I would love to hear the story...but cannot meet for coffee. Is there a short version?

Heather Elizabeth said...

Ohhh Kate congratulations! That is so awesome! Great job :)