
This brain is full. Please try again later.

Wow, sorry to have been such an MIA blogger, but things have been busy because: we have re-entered the real estate world.

And home loans and finding a realtor and cruising listings (All.The.Time.) in addition to working is exhausting and most of the time it feels like my head is going to explode from all the information, consideration and advice I keep jamming into my brain.

But I'm excited about the possibility of having our own place (please come visit me even though we are looking in the south end! It's cool there, really) but also slightly petrified because I'm starting to realize that sometime in the last couple of years, I became a grown-up and I did not see that coming. Part of me wants to embrace it (remember as a kid when all you wanted was to grow-up? I got my wish) or do something rebellious like tattooing a tramp stamp on my lower back in order to try and recapture my youth. (Kidding of course. Except for maybe a "My man is better than your man" tatty. That would be classy.)

In all seriousness, prayer is much appreciated and kind thoughts as well as make a pretty big leap forward.


Post-Vacation Haze

Coupled with pre-vacay ADD, I now have post-vacation fog brain in which my mind refuses to wrap itself back around work. Ninety-percent of the time, I’m pretty happy working full-time, it gives me some purpose, I like the people I work with and seriously what would I do with myself all day? (Although you might get a few more blogs out of me, that’s for sure). But all it takes is a vacation for me to decide that lying around on the couch all day sitting on my soon-to-be ginormous backside eating bon bons wouldn’t be the worst way to go in life. There are several distinct phases to get to such an outrageous statement:

Stage 1, morning after return: “Why is it so early? I’m going to go back to sleep and then by the time I get up Mom will have cinnamon rolls done and I crawl out and eat them in my sweatpants with Julie & Julia…. Mmmm. CRIKEY! I have to go back to work today and there are NO MORE CINNAMON ROLLS AND NONE OF MY WORK PANTS WILL FIT RIGHT NOW. Sigh.”

Stage 2, mid-morning after return: “He wants me to file all the what? What is he talking about? Did I miss something while I was gone? I don’t want to, can I say no? Oh right, no I can’t because this is my JOB. DRAT.”

Stage 3, noon after return:
“All I have for lunch is a pimento loaf and mayonnaise sandwich I found in the back of the fridge. I miss buffets.”

Stage 4, mid-afternoon after return:
“I miss mid-afternoon naps too.”

Stage 5, way too late to be at work still, day after return:
“HOW MANY HOURS A DAY AM I SUPPOSED TO WORK? 10? Have I always done this? Why don’t I remember how long a day this is? Why am I still here? Maybe all that sun addled my brain a bit.”

Stage 6, evening day after return:
“Have finally reached the comfortable recesses of the big green couch with Flight of the Conchords on DVD and my bon bons; am not going back.”


Pre-Vacation ADD

Tell me if this ever happens to you too: it's 3 days until I leave for a glorious sunny vacation on the houseboat in Idaho and my attention span for work is pretty much gone. Here is how my train of thought goes:

"Let's see here, I have until the 11th to finish that writing piece, so I should probably get working on it. OH WAIT, I'll need to turn that in before I leave on vacation because I won't be here on the 11th because I'LL BE ON VACATION, SQUUUEAALLL! Oh man, I should probably find a bathing suit that fits, and see what the weather is supposed to be like. Do you think they'll let me wear my cowboy boots with the steel-toed shoes on the plane or are those considered a weapon? I mean, I guess I could hurt someone with them but I certainly wouldn't. Maybe I should just pack them instead, but are they going to fit in my carry on bag? Maybe I can borrow a bag from someone. Does Casey have a bag that doesn't look all boy-like? He could really use a new bag, I think that other one is broken, plus maybe a new pair of pants. Shoot, I need to iron those dress pants before I go too. Not that packing pants in August really sounds necessary but as a chronic over-packer I don't understand that kind of logic. Why bring 2 when you can bring 6 pairs and have options? It's like having a moving closet. Oohh, wait wouldn't that be cool, a moving closet? I could just pull it over to the bathroom in the morning and pick out my outfit, and then drag it back into the bedroom later in the day! It'd probably be really heavy though with all my stuff in it, maybe if I vaccuum packed my clothes, it would work...."

And which point the phone rings at work, causing me to jump in my chair and realize I have no idea where I am for a minute or how much time has past that I've just been sitting at my desk at lollygagging. I mean, what have I been doing?

"Oh yeh, that's right, I'm going on vacation. SQUUEAAL! I should start packing, I wonder........"