
The Hunt

How do you know what house is the right house? Some people have told me they have walked into one and have just known, other say that no matter where you end up, you make it home. I'm beginning to be a big believer in the latter. I'm not sure there are many situations life where you just know, maybe you have a good feeling, you feel led by God, whatever, but I don't think I have ever been 100 percent sure about anything, not even my lunch burrito (pork or chicken?). At some point, you make a choice and you live with it, some times it turns out to be a terrific choice, a fine one, or a horrible one, but that is just part of living.

All this to say- I'm very torn with house hunting. There are two houses that have some wonderful features, a few things that bug us and are in completely different parts of town- Rainier Beach and then in Kent. Those of you who know Seattle, know the word Rainier is usually not a good connotation and while the house is in a really cute area, the areas that surround it are not the best. And the other is near a lake (big plus) and walking trails but is farther south and this Seattle-ite is having a slight panic attack at living outside my beloved city (in the suburbs! Will people still come see us?)

So I go back and through between the two, each new piece of info (New roof! Bad schools! Park! Drug deals in park?) swaying me a different direction. The thought still lingers that there may be something else out there, but that will always be true and I do think that wherever we are it will be home, it would just be so nice to love my home.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Kate, I'm not stalking you I swear, but I loved reading your wedding planning stuff and I saw your blog on your facebook profile. I hope you don't mind me reading about your adventures in married life. :) I hope all is well with you!
