
A beautiful day in the neighborhood

Hi lovelies!

I’ve neglected to post about the new house because I wanted to post before/after pics (no more purple kitchen! Guest room-almost- repainted!), but somewhere hidden in the abyss of boxes in the garage is one very important thing: the camera cable. Once I unearth it I will post pics but in the meantime, a running list of the things I love about the new place will have to suffice:

1. There is a giant, well stocked, quiet Target three miles away. I repeat, a giant Target with hundreds of parking spaces a mere five-minute drive away. Bonus: same strip mall contains a Payless Shoe Source, Jo-Ann Fabrics and a TJ Maxx. Downside: cannot be good for my budget.

2. Two bathtubs to soak in after a long day at work.

3. A plant nursery at the end of the street.

4. The plethora of authentica taquerias.

5. The morning sunlight through the picture window in the living room.

6. Closet organizers specifically for my shoes.

7. For the first time in my entire married life every scrap of clothing is clean thanks to a washer and dryer that doesn’t require quarters. (SIDE NOTE: Casey has a lot of clothes. Must bring this up next time he mentions my clothing obsession.)

8. Dishwasher. ‘Nuff said.

9. A garage so the Bug doesn’t freeze at night.

10. Winco. Winco. Winco. Oh, and an awesome, cheap bakery: Wild Wheat.

Now if only my favorite guy was here to share all my favorite things- 16 days to go.

Pics to come!

1 comment:

Heather Seymour said...

Mark has WAY more clothes than I do too, I don't understand it! I always mention it when he grouses about me buying a new shirt - I say, hey, if I had as many clothes as you do then I wouldn't have to be buying new ones!