
Olympic Fever!

So you know how in your wedding vows you promise to love someone in good times and bad, for better for worse, in sickness and in health? Well, yesterday Casey found out my sickness. That's right, I have Olympic Fever.

I'm sorry but I am obsessed people. I don't know what it is but I could spend ALLLLL day watching road cycling or fencing or any type of sport if it has little 5-ring emblem at the bottom of the screen. I spent the entire 3 hours I spent at the trendy W Hotel this weekend tucked into the covers watching beach volleyball. Watching what would become the most depressing Mariner game ever I soon found out that I could see Michael Phelps win gold in the 200m on the TV in the owner's box if I craned my neck, bent over at a 90-degree angle and then sat on my hands to make a booster seat- so I did. I made Casey watch like 6 straight hours yesterday and drove him home at a lightning pace so I didn't miss any women's gymnastics (to be fair at last I was a good enough wifey to make him dinner during all that). I have so much national pride right now and I did a little victory dance when our good ol' boys just flat out beat the trash-talking French to win gold in 400m relay. And now, sitting her mid-day, I wish I could go home and do it all over again tonight or even better call in sick tomorrow, and watch all day as well. I've got it bad.

If we were already married I'd say, "Too bad, you promised to love me in sickness and in health so you'll just have to accept it" but he hasn't actually made that promise yet so I am sincerely hoping that he decides he can deal with my current malady. Hey, at least it only lasts for two weeks right?.... Every two years that is.... for the next 50-some odd years.... for a grand total of 25 more Olympic games..... Gulp....Please still marry me baby ;).

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