
Proud Parents....

.... of a brand new, 4-slice ultra premium Cuisinart toaster.

Yes, last night we broke out and started putting away the first of the wedding gifts! I have steadily been throwing things into the apartment, basically just piling them into the bedroom. When I got the house last night after my last dress fitting (yippee skippy! Oh except for the fact that I probably should stop eating like horse for the next month so it still fits!) I found the darling fiance organizing and cleaning the place- taking apart his bed frame and oh my gosh, there is a God in heaven, one of the foliage trees was gone as well! Well, the organizing became contagious and we started looking around it is was obvious that the toaster had seen better days so off it went and out came the brand-new toaster. After spending about twenty minutes just trying to get it out of the box.... seriously.... out it came and there we sat there staring at the first brand-new appliance either of us ever owned.

Casey: " Whoa."
Kate: " Wow, it has like five different settings. There is even a specific one for bagels!!"
Casey: " Ahhhhhhh," pushes down a clean and shiny lever.
Kate: "Oooh," pushes down other lever.
Casey: "Oh sweet, it has pull-out crumb cleaning trays!"

After this rather noise-heavy conversation (seriously reminiscent of cave people when discovering fire I should think...) we put it in a place of honor on top of the fridge to live for a few days and to get used to its new surroundings. Of course, then I got too excited and starting pulling more things out of boxes, becoming seriously entertaining by the most high-tech salad spinner known to mankind. Casey got excited too and yelled, "I'm so 'cited!!" and hopefully he means about moving in with me and not just about getting to use such a spiffy new toaster. Though I can't really blame him if its true, did I mention it can toast 4 slices at the same time on 4 different settings??? How can a girl compete with that?

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