

Sometimes it really doesn't pay to be friendly.

When strangers at coffee shops or on the phone at work ask me how I am, I always say, "Great. And how are you?" It's always surprising to me how many baristas and check-out people look totally shocked that someone would ask them this question (which might say something about our self-absorbed society, but that is a whole other post) and I admit I always feel cheerier after having a pleasant little exchange on the wonder that is Friday with my barista at Ladro.

This morning I was ready earlier than usual and decided to pop over the Fremont bridge for a change of pace and stop in PCC to grab a latte, sandwich and salad. The sun was shining, the water was beautiful, did I mention it was Friday? I was in an extra-special friendly mood, so as I waltzed up to the espresso counter and smiled at the gal behind it. "Hi," she said flatly. "How are you today?" I shot back a "Wonderful, how are you?"

"You don't want to know," she said, walking slowly over to me. A bit thrown off, I stammered, "I'm sorry."

"I really have to pee."

I just looked at her trying to think of what to say. I'm sorry? Do you want to go now and I'll wait? I don't think was really the answer I was going for?

"And its starting to burn."

Um, yeh.

How does one respond to that kind of statement? I began to seriously regret not only starting a conversation with this woman but also have her prepare my precious morning latte. I sputtered out another, "I'm sorry, that's no fun" while pretending to be throughly involved with searching through my purse for some mythical object that was apparently, very, very important to me because I spent the next few minutes with my head in my bag trying to find it.

She finally, after what felt like 2 years, handed me my latte, and I backed away slowly with a feeble, "Well hope you have a great day" and practically sprinted out to my car.


Mallory said...

That is horrible. I think some people just enjoy saying things like that to mess with people...but I guess you never know. I feel your pain though - I try to always ask how people are too...but I've never gotten a response like that. I'm so sorry and I hope your day turns out alright.

Heather Elizabeth said...

That could certainly put a damper on your day! All for the latte.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that would happen to you :) I can just see the look on your face...priceless

laughed so hard at that one you got the tears flowin..

Kate said...

It would happen to me is right. Have yet to make myself go back in there even after having the best salad ever...