
Please be my friend

{To my blog-ladies: below follows my new experiment in which I try to get people to join my book club. So far, we have one member, myself, although I don't think it is time to bemoan my lack of friends since I haven't actually sent this email out yet, but still. One. I have a general idea of who checks in here, but sadly I don't have your emails or you live too far away to come, which really bums me out because I am pretty sure that Mallory and Erin would be the best people EVER to have in a book club. But Seattlites, please shoot me an email (kate.calamusa@gmail.com) if you would like to take pity on me and join my semi-literary excuse to get to eat dessert or at the very least give me an ego boost by telling me that at least one other person will join, really.}

Re: Book Club

Hello lovely ladies in my life,

I have a proposal for you all: I have a deep, deep longing to be in a book club (perhaps its my voracious appetite for literature, perhaps it's just an excuse to get together with other women to chat or most likely an excuse to make a dessert) and am contemplating starting one of my own.

I'm thinking about keeping this simple: we meet at my place once a month (or once every two months! Or three! Or six!) to chat books and eat dessert. The format is pretty simple: each member picks out a a couple of books at our first planning meeting and we pick books for the year- whether they are serious, humorous, sassy or political. When your pick comes up, you lead an informal discussion on the book. If you can't make it one month, you skip it and come the next, or come even if you didn't finish the book and we'll fill you in.

So, here comes the crucial question: are you interested? Chime in if you are and I'll see if there is enough interest (it'll be fun, really!) and we'll pick out a day to get started, maybe a mid-week 7 p.m. gathering. This is most definitely not an exclusive invite either, if you have friends who might be interested, pass this along!

All the best,


1 comment:

K said...

I am so in. I LOVE book clubs!

My email is kristinkirk@comcast.net

PS - Did you recently watch The Jane Austen book club? Heh heh.