
Things My Husband Has Taught Me About Marriage

Since we have been married, Casey has developed a delightful little habit of trying to pants me when I wear my sweatpants around the house. That's right, I said "pants" as in the juvenile habit boys adopt on the playground to humiliate (or perhaps flirt with depending on who you ask) some poor pig-tailed little girl to try to make her cry.

One of the first weeks we were married, I tried to get up off the couch and Casey tried to stop me by grabbing my sweats and in what he views as a wonderful turn of events, discovered that the elastic band that makes sweatpants oh-so-wonderful has a lot of stretch to it and my pants ended up around my ankles in 1.2 seconds flat. Ever since, I've had to guard my backside and jet off the couch as quickly as possible to avoid this drafty fate, but more often than not, he gets that glint in his eye and he beats me to it.

Not five minutes ago, he grabbed my sweats as I got up to get my laptop and bemoaned in a most pathetic fashion:


To which he calmly replied, "What? Don't you know? That's what people do when they get married. It's because I love you that I pants you."

Regardless of the fact that he is totally full of CRAP, maybe he is in indeed still flirting with me after 7 months of marriage and 3 years of dating, so slightly appeased, I am now back on the couch but you can bet your butt (pun totally intended) I'm not getting back up again unless the house catches fire and even then, I'm waiting until he's out the door and my pants are safely secured before leaping up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha oh my gosh you guys are ridiculous- i love it.