
Before the movie begins....

I adore my husband, because he takes me to see chick flicks on Wednesday nights (“The Proposal” was adorable by the way) but also because we have conversations like this:

Kate: “Sigh, I just love Sandra Bullock.”

Casey. “Meh.”

Kate: “Really? Why not? She’s so cute.”

Casey: “Universal truth: for some inexplicable reason girls all love Sandra Bullock. Guys do not. This also applies to Julia Roberts and Meg Ryan.”

Kate: “But, why? They’re adorable.”

Casey: “Eww, no. They are not cute, Sandra’s definitely had a nose job. Why do you like them?”

Kate: “Because they’re real, ya know? I can relate to them. I could be them. Megan Fox, I can’t be her.”

Casey: “Thank goodness, she looks like a tranny.”

Five seconds later…

Kate: “Who would you have play you in a movie about your life?”

Casey: “Ummm…. Ethan Hawke maybe?”

Kate: “Oh my gosh, you are so much hotter than Ethan Hawke. No.”

Casey: “Not hot, huh?”

Kate: “No. Plus he cheated on his wife.”

Casey: “Who then?”

Kate: “Ryan Reynolds could play you. Both funny, tall… it could work.”

Casey (thinks about it for a second): “That’d be okay. Why, who would you have play you?”

Kate: “Rachel McAdams.”

Casey: “She doesn’t look anything like you!”

Kate: “Yes, she does. She’s white like me and short.”

Casey: “No, she’s blond and tall!”

Kate: “Are we talking about the same person?”

Casey: “I think Natalie Portman would be better.”

Kate: “Eww, no.”

Casey: “Why not?”

Kate: “Because I don’t think she’s all that nice, she kind of has that Ivy League snooty thing going. I couldn’t be friends with her.”

Casey: “You don’t know that! She seems nice…. Is part of your stipulation that they play you be that you could be friends with them?”

Kate: “Yes. Rachel and I could be friends, I’m sure of it. She’d be the type of friend that would totally stick up for you and be a good shopping partner. Natalie and I could never be friends, I mean she’d be nice to your face but then I bet she’d say bitchy things behind your back.”

Casey: “I’m confused.”

Kate: “Oooh, or Anne Hathaway! We could definitely be friends!”

Casey: When does the movie start?”


Minor victory

I ate half of the cupcake and threw the rest of away. I realize that it would have been better to not have eaten any of it, but c'mon people, baby steps here....

Cupcake frosting

Confession time: I've gained 10 pounds since the wedding. Which I am NOT happy about, not because I really care about the number on the scale, but because I can longer fit into my favorite pair of jeans and I am not (repeat: am not) about the submit to the utter pain-in-the-butt shopping trip that is trying to finding a new pair of jeans that aren't too long, are the right color and don't make my hips look twice as wide as normal. (Ladies, you know what I'm talking about right?)

I do admit that right after the wedding I let myself take a break from working out and eating better in some sort of adverse reaction to not having to fit into a specific white dress anymore (hoorah!) but my short break has turned into a 9-month hiatus. And as glorious as the eat-whatever-I-want privileges have been, I do miss feeling pretty good about myself and my body. (Note: I said pretty good, I've never really loved it, but up until the last 2 months I've been pretty okay with how I looked.) But between stressful work days that leave me too exhausted to work out and way too much sugar intake because of said-stress, I've decided that starting today, I have to get back on the horse and work out (I really have no excuse, I have a FREE gym membership through work) and start to eat better.

That was until I spent the morning slowly licking the frosting off a cupcake at my desk, trying to avoid eating it (guess what is going to happen at, oh about 3 p.m. today when I have my normal afternoon crash... bye, bye cupcake.) So starting tomorrow, really, honestly, truly I am going to start getting back into tip top shape. Hopefully.

(As we can see from cupcake frosting encounter, avoiding food is going to be an issue, so if anyone knows of any fabulous work-outs you should probably let me know so I can burn off a few of these frosting calories.)


Why I should NEVER take days off of work....

... because when you spend your morning working on your book at El Diablo while sipping on a Cafe con Leche and having brunch with your sister; your afternoon perusing the racks at Target, planning out dinner and dessert and hanging art in the apartment, you start to think about never. working. again. Stupid money.


On The Other Side Of The Fence

Yesterday, I went to a bridal shower, the first wedding-type thing-a-ma-bob I have been to since my whole wedding hoopla (apparently I am only using my made-up words in my post today. Good luck readers!) Anywho, I found myself clustered up with two of my friends from church, who both happened to be married, and we spent most of the shower gabbing about what we should have registered for when we got married, what our husbands are good about doing around the house (I haven’t done laundry since we got married. It’s okay, I’d hate me too if I were you) and telling the bride-to-be what an awesome mixing bowl and our electric mixer she picked out.

Next to us, sat a very newly-engaged gal who was pretty quiet most of the afternoon, listening to us talk away, until finally she let out a giggle and said, “ You are all… such… wives!” and then proceeded to take tips from us on wedding planning and life after wedding.

I obviously know I am a wife, I was in fact at my own wedding, but I had this odd moment where I realized that I have crossed over the fence and have gone to “the other side of the pasture” so to speak, where kitchen appliances become very exciting, we are now Matrons of Honor in weddings ( I almost passed out a couple of months ago when Marla asked me to be that….my immediate response, “Yes, if I don’t have to be called THAT, how old am I?”) and the next big life events in the future are houses and gulp, babies. And I just sort of sat there and thought, “Huh. This is new,” never before having been in the position of being considered wiser in the ways of marriage than, well just about anyone (well, maybe wiser that weird guy Carrot Top, because really what could THAT guy know about what it takes to have a successful marriage?? His hair is the color of Oscar Meyer Weiner packaging and he wears eyeliner for crying out loud.)

Have a lovely Monday and let me know if you need any unsolicited advice about china patterns, stain removers and great kitchen gadgets, I believe I am a bona-fide wife now.


Before and After

As promised earlier today, here are the before pics of the dining area in the apartment.

Sad dining room, before:

Happy, very Seattle-centric dining room, after:

I'm super happy with the way it turned out!

DIY Project 2.0

Poor Casey: his wife got yet another "bee in her bonnet" this weekend, and decided to redecorate the eating area in the apartment. Pics and details to come as soon as I find my camera cord to upload. Hope your Monday is sunny!
