
Cupcake frosting

Confession time: I've gained 10 pounds since the wedding. Which I am NOT happy about, not because I really care about the number on the scale, but because I can longer fit into my favorite pair of jeans and I am not (repeat: am not) about the submit to the utter pain-in-the-butt shopping trip that is trying to finding a new pair of jeans that aren't too long, are the right color and don't make my hips look twice as wide as normal. (Ladies, you know what I'm talking about right?)

I do admit that right after the wedding I let myself take a break from working out and eating better in some sort of adverse reaction to not having to fit into a specific white dress anymore (hoorah!) but my short break has turned into a 9-month hiatus. And as glorious as the eat-whatever-I-want privileges have been, I do miss feeling pretty good about myself and my body. (Note: I said pretty good, I've never really loved it, but up until the last 2 months I've been pretty okay with how I looked.) But between stressful work days that leave me too exhausted to work out and way too much sugar intake because of said-stress, I've decided that starting today, I have to get back on the horse and work out (I really have no excuse, I have a FREE gym membership through work) and start to eat better.

That was until I spent the morning slowly licking the frosting off a cupcake at my desk, trying to avoid eating it (guess what is going to happen at, oh about 3 p.m. today when I have my normal afternoon crash... bye, bye cupcake.) So starting tomorrow, really, honestly, truly I am going to start getting back into tip top shape. Hopefully.

(As we can see from cupcake frosting encounter, avoiding food is going to be an issue, so if anyone knows of any fabulous work-outs you should probably let me know so I can burn off a few of these frosting calories.)

1 comment:

Mallory said...

Kate, we have all been there. I know for myself, I lost a bit of weight (I gain when I am stressed...hence the lace up dress) but I am still not what I once was. I think a lot of it is eating with another person. You eat the same portion size and they need the extra while you don't. My biggest secret is to give myself half what I give Jared, if I'm hungry later I can always eat more but so far it has helped. I hope you find something that works! :)