
Heat Wave

Fair warning: if you are one of those people whose response to our Northwest heat wave has been: “It’s always this hot in Texas, in fact it’s even hotter, so stop complaining,” you should stop reading right now, cause you ain’t going to like what’s coming. Because. It’s. So. Freakin’. Hot. People. And I am going to complain until I collapse on the floor of my apartment with heat stroke because I don’t live in Texas, in fact I chose not to live there for this very reason, I don’t want to deal with 100-degree plus weather, umm ever. I live in Seattle because I like the rain, my jeans and sweaters and my morning lattes, not sweating while sitting in the apartment, getting burned by my car interior and instantly sticking to the leather chair every time I happen brush by it. In fact, the only thing running through my brain right now is that this post has to end prematurely although the material here is endless because of the laptop/heater on my lap that I am ready to chuck out the window at this moment to get away from it.


Heather Seymour said...

I KNOW. And I did get a response from a Texan the other day when I complained! I haven't used my laptop much during the past few days for the very same reason...

Mallory said...

I feel your pain. We haven't gotten that hot down here but at least we have AC. I can't imagine how you must be feeling. I hope it cools down soon.