
A New Beginning...

Okay, perhaps I have jumped the gun a little bit by naming the new blog "The Newlywed Game," but my reasons are good, I promise.

1. Wedding planning stories are way too funny for you to miss out on, plus if I wait until we are married then I have no place to insert my sarcastic comments for the next 5 months and that my friends, would be tragic.

2. Although I am blogging for Oregon Bride magazine (shameless plug: check out my blog at http://www.orbridemag.com), there are things I cannot get away with mentioning on the blog because they are either inappropriate or have nothing to do with being a quote-unquote Oregon bride, like the delightful little story of the poor Parties To Go people being traumatized on their visit out to the wedding site after they saw an 80-year-old-man. Mowing the lawn. Buck naked. I mean buck naked people. Welcome to our classy Oregon wedding!

3. The college blog, in all its glory, no longer really applies to this new phase in our lives and its time to retire it to the green pastures of Collegeland. I started it my sophomore year when I didn't know what to do with my life, was still adjusting to life on my own, had just started to date Casey and was just a little bit awkward. I mean now its completely different: I don't know what to do with my life, I'm adjusting to life on my own, I am MARRYING Casey and man, I'm just so awkward. Oh wait. Never mind....

4. The freelancing gigs, for the time being, have dried up like the Sahara Desert due to some seriously fun corporate issues at work, so I desperately need an outlet to write- so sorry, you guys are stuck listening to me chat about new things including trying not to become a Bridezilla while trying to become a super crafty, do-it-yourself bride, trying to decide whether to buy or rent a place and in a very short amount of time living with a boy for the first time.

5. Oh, because blogger is free and because I can.

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