
A Bed For One

It's funny how quickly you can get used to certain things. For 23 years of my life, I slept alone except on those rare family vacations where Kelsey and I would keep each other up all night kicking one another in the hotel bed we had to share. I like having my own space to sleep, to stretch out as much as I like and have the covers just as I liked. I slept well, I dare say great even.

After just 8 weeks of marriage, I've found out I can't sleep without Casey in the bed with me. He's been gone for 2 nights on business and I have slept like crap. Last night, I read until my eyes were about ready to fall out of my head, but as soon as I turned out the light, I tossed and turned for what felt like an eternity, all alone in my big bed.

The ironic part is that we don't even touch when we're sleeping normally. He has his side and I have mine but I know he's there. And of course, even though he's gone I can't enjoy the luxury of sleeping in the middle of the bed, I have to sleep on my side so when I look over there is a big gapping hole in his spot where he should be, cuddled up with the covers thrown over his head when he's trying to pretend his still asleep in the morning, and usually a leg hanging off the side.

I would understand it if we had been married and sharing a bed for decades but its been 8 weeks- its pretty amazing how quickly the little habits of marriage seem right and natural and anything resembling your single life is completely foreign, and for me at least, non too pleasant anymore. Come back hubby so I can get some sleep!!

1 comment:

Heather Elizabeth said...

So true! Ok so I have not experienced a full night alone yet, but just last night one of Mark's friends from Portland stayed with us, so he stayed up later to talk to him. I could NOT for the life of me fall asleep! It was awful. I didn't sleep until he came back. I'm sorry your hubby had to leave you! :(