
On The Other Side Of The Fence

Yesterday, I went to a bridal shower, the first wedding-type thing-a-ma-bob I have been to since my whole wedding hoopla (apparently I am only using my made-up words in my post today. Good luck readers!) Anywho, I found myself clustered up with two of my friends from church, who both happened to be married, and we spent most of the shower gabbing about what we should have registered for when we got married, what our husbands are good about doing around the house (I haven’t done laundry since we got married. It’s okay, I’d hate me too if I were you) and telling the bride-to-be what an awesome mixing bowl and our electric mixer she picked out.

Next to us, sat a very newly-engaged gal who was pretty quiet most of the afternoon, listening to us talk away, until finally she let out a giggle and said, “ You are all… such… wives!” and then proceeded to take tips from us on wedding planning and life after wedding.

I obviously know I am a wife, I was in fact at my own wedding, but I had this odd moment where I realized that I have crossed over the fence and have gone to “the other side of the pasture” so to speak, where kitchen appliances become very exciting, we are now Matrons of Honor in weddings ( I almost passed out a couple of months ago when Marla asked me to be that….my immediate response, “Yes, if I don’t have to be called THAT, how old am I?”) and the next big life events in the future are houses and gulp, babies. And I just sort of sat there and thought, “Huh. This is new,” never before having been in the position of being considered wiser in the ways of marriage than, well just about anyone (well, maybe wiser that weird guy Carrot Top, because really what could THAT guy know about what it takes to have a successful marriage?? His hair is the color of Oscar Meyer Weiner packaging and he wears eyeliner for crying out loud.)

Have a lovely Monday and let me know if you need any unsolicited advice about china patterns, stain removers and great kitchen gadgets, I believe I am a bona-fide wife now.

1 comment:

Heather Seymour said...

Well, hate is a strong word, it's more like envy! :)