
Next Month

Sorry guys, I have been a little obsessed with blogging over at orbridemag.com (and now, seattlebridemag.com as well, ha ha. I'm taking over the Northwest!) so I have been a little slow to post here. But the beauty of having my own personal blog is that I am allowed to post all the inappropriate/non-bridey things here (believe it or not there are things going on in life that have nothing to do with the wedding or lots of wedding going ons that I would rather not have complete strangers read). That being said, regardless, this will be very bridey anyways.

Tomorrow is August 1st, which means starting tomorrow when someone says, "So, when is the wedding?" the correct response is "Next month." WHAT??? Holy Gee Willickers! When did that happen? I feel like I just posted at the 100 day mark on the bride site and now we are looking at like 51 days (not that I'm counting or anything!). Wowzers. On the one hand it feels like it has been a very long time since we got engaged, but I can't believe that the wedding is just around the corner.

It's also starting to hit me- my life is going to change. Dana and I won't be living together anymore, the bank accounts will merge, life decisions will become a joint effort as opposed to a singular one, going to the grocery store even will be different with different tastes in food (we are both fiercely loyal to our margarine brands-seriously), there will be a boy sleeping next to me in bed. I was correcting a proof at work yesterday with my contact information and changed everything to my new last name and email- there in front of me, was physical evidence that is getting close and getting real- kate.calamusa@tigeroak.com!

A part of me thinks I should be freaked out about it, but I'm really not. I know its going to be different and be an adjustment, that it will probably be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. There will be things we will both have to get used to as we live together and set up house and where to even set up that house is completely up in the air (the housing search is on a bit of a hiatus, I just couldn't take on another thing in the next 6 weeks). Whether we will stay at these jobs that we are both less than thrilled about at the moment is completely up in the air, maybe we'll be in Latin America by next summer, maybe not. If you know me AT ALL, you know that usually the "not knowing" would drive me up the wall. But, somehow, with Casey that just seems to be part of the adventure- we are a team now. I like not knowing where is life is going to take us, it doesn't really matter to me, because I have safety and security, respect and love in him and in God, and that is all I need. I'm sure there will be unforeseen difficulties and I'll shed a little tear about not being Kate Palmen anymore when the time comes. But the promises I have in being Kate Calamusa, in being a helpmate and teammate, the wife of a man whom I dearly love, the mother of his children, are amazing and I cannot wait until.... next month when the wedding ends and the real journey begins.

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