
The Oh-My-Gosh-We're-Getting-Married Moment of the Day

I obviously know we are getting married. I've got a fiance, a wedding ring and a dress to prove it. But every once and a while it just hits me like a ton of bricks that we are getting married and Casey and I will soon be living together as husband and wife! And its funny when these moments come because they are usually really small little things, like the moment last night.

One of Casey's buddies asked him to be, as he put it, a groomsdude in his wedding in December. When Case called last night, he called to check and make sure it was okay for him to commit to going to their wedding right before Christmas.

Case: " I just thought I should probably check with you first because its right before Christmas and well, I realized it may affect OUR plans. I guess we can figure out with work and such how we can see our families the next week. Maybe we can go to my parent's and then yours or something."

Kate's Thought: Sure, December is fine. Wait a minute, we will be married in December. We will be living together and spending Chrsitmas together for the first time, I'll be his wife then. Wow, we are getting married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kate, out loud: "Sure, sounds good to me."

What a wonderful realization!

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