
Too Busy To Blog?

I realize it certainly looks that way from my lack of posting. And we are busy, busy beavers trying to get the invitations out the door by the end of the month (a LOT of people moved in between the time we sent out our STDs and now and who knew that it takes so long to stamp, stuff and address neatly??), house hunting ( I think we are up to 12 condos visited now? Sincerely enjoying the dreaming and scheming there) and working (the office got broken into this weekend, computers stolen and I'm picking up the pieces)-- so I sincerely apologize for my absence of late BUT I admit, I am starting to drag a little bit.

Life is going at a breakneck pace at the moment and there are so many exciting moments (bridal shower next weekend!) that I am trying to savor, but I am soooooo exhausted too. With so many different things going on I sometimes have to fight the urge to take a great, big GIANT nap. I also realize that life will slow down again after the wedding and am really looking forward to cuddling up with my husband (did I just say husband? yes, yes I did!) in our own place. So, suffice it to say, I have been feeling a little less than inspired and don't really feel like coming up with new ideas. So my poor Oregon Bride blog is suffering (I threw up some post about not working out today just to get one up there) which isn't good since that one is for work and they actually expect me to work on it. Sigh..... do they make energy bars for life? Cause I think I need a big fat one right about now.

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